Genre: Action/Crime/Mystery
Starring: Jet Li, Jason Statham, John Lone, Devon Aoki, John Lone, Ryo Ishibashi
Whenever you see Jason Statham's name in the star cast for any movie, you know exactly what you are in for. A mind-less action movie with inhuman stunts and lots of things blowing up everywhere, pretty much. Crawford (Statham) is an FBI agent who is hunting down a mysterious assassin by the name of Rogue (Li) who was a former CIA agent and now works for the Japanese Yakuza. Rogue hunts down Crawford's partner and kills him along with his family and goes into hiding ever since. For three years Rogue has not made an appearance, and when he does it is for the Chinese Triads. Most of the movie is a cock and bull chase between Crawford and Rogue with some action sequences thrown in here and there. This could have actually been a very interesting movie had not the climax become too obvious halfway through. After that, the movie seemed far too overtly obvious and was trying too hard to look contemporary and amazing but ended up being another run-off-the-mill action movie. It is a decent entertainer for those action-loving fans but if you are looking for a story, then you wouldn't find anything sensible here.
Thumbs up: Some action sequences were not too bad
Thumbs down: Climax becomes quite obvious after a while and is not very innovative either
Rating: 5.8/10