Genre: Comedy/Romance/Drama
Starring: Erik von Detten, Tony Denman, Daniel Farber, Amy Smart, Sarah-Jane Potts
High school is the time to experiment and learn new things. Not just educationally but also otherwise. Three teenagers, Deacon (Detten), Fred (Denman) and Matt (Farber) do not seem to be getting any kind of attention from the fairer sex and this is upsetting them, a lot. Deacon gets the idea of making a porno movie but not just any other porno movie. There probably are a lot of kids like them all over the world who are virgins, are not able to approach girls and have all kinds of sexual fantasies. If they can make a movie that fulfills their dreams, they can make a lot of money. However, three teenagers making a porno cannot be easy and Deacon, Matt and Fred learn this the hard way. Most of the movie focuses on their antics in movie making and the end outcome. Although the story is well-made, it faults on the lack of good outright humour that should have been easy to come buy but sadly, does not. An easy way to kill time buy watching a cheesy entertainer is what this movie is and it probably would not do too much harm if you do not expect too much out of it.
Thumbs up: A mildly innovative story
Thumbs down: Not very great at what it does
Rating: 5.8/10